Board of directors

Chairman of the board

Blomqvist Björn, Rederi Ab Eckerö

Vice chairmen of the board

Thomas Doepel, Finnlines

Jan Hanses, Viking Line Abp

Antti Partanen, Rederi Ab Nathalie

Members of the board
Vice members
Hanses Jan, Viking Line Abp Boijer-Svahnström Johanna, Viking Line Abp
Koskinen Matti-Mikael, ESL Shipping Oy Ruda Petter, ESL Shipping Oy
Blomqvist Björn, Rederi Ab Eckerö Donning Bo-Gustav, Rederi Ab Eckerö
Grönstrand Sebastian, Navidom Oy Varpio Mikko, OSM Ship Management Finland
Partanen Antti, Rederi Ab Nathalie Rosin Bengt-Erik, Meriaura Group Ltd
Langh-Lagerlöf Laura, Oy Langh Ship Oy Ab Langh Hans, Langh Ship Oy Ab
Widén Olof, Oy Trailer Link Ab Mikkola Dan, Oy Trailer Link Ab
Kauppila Janne, Bore Ltd Hakala Mikko, Bore Ltd
Schults Margus, Tallink Silja Oy Rauva Janeka, Tallink Silja Oy, Tallink Silja Oy
Visuri Maunu, Arctia Oy Grönqvist Christian, Prima Shipping Group Ab
Doepel Thomas, Finnlines Oy Laurell Jan, Finnlines Oy
Ståhlberg Peter, NLC Ferry Ab Oy Mälkiä Jussi, Meriaura Group Ltd 


Environmental committee Chair Antti Partanen, Rederi Ab Nathalie
Labor market and maritime personnel committee Chair Matti-Mikael Koskinen, ESL Shipping
Efficient and safe infrastructure committee Chair Thomas Doepel, Finnlines
Communications committee Chair Johanna Boijer-Svahnström, Viking Line

Tiina Tuurnala

Tiina Tuurnala is the Chief Executive Officer of the Finnish Shipowners’ Association.

+358 40 5476762