Security of supply

Security of supply encompasses the ability to secure the economic functions of a society which are crucial for the population, i.e. safeguard the supply of food, energy, transports, warehousing and distribution systems, technical systems, health services, and manufacturing and repairs for the military defence.

Logistically Finland is an island, and this means that it is dependent on sea transport. In a crisis, the fleet under Finnish flag secures transports to the country. A sufficient fleet is needed to ensure the security of supply.

The use of ice-breakers and the routes of ice-reinforced vessels are also routes of the security of supply for Finland.

Maritime Transport Pool

The Maritime Transport Pool is a national respond organization under the direction of the National Emergency Supply Agency’s Logistics sector. The pool has been in operation since 2005. The five branches of the pool are shipowners, port operators, ports, freight forwarding, and maritime industry’s maintenance and repair services. The pool includes some 70 companies that are critical for the security of supply. The pool’s office is located in Finland, in connection with the Finnish Shipowners’ Association.

The pool’s tasks are:

  • to define the industry’s companies critical for the security of supply and the response of these companies to disruptions and emergency situations
  • to participate together with the organizations and authorities of the industry in safeguarding the operational conditions of shipping
  • to promote collaboration in preparedness with the transport and logistics companies and authorities
  • to participate in maintaining a clear picture of the situation of security of supply in the fields of transport and logistics and performing measures that promote security of supply.

The Maritime Transport Pool supports the response of companies critical for security of supply in its field, as well as their important partners, for disruptions and emergency situations by organizing training and exercises for risk management and securing business operations.

With its operations, the pool aims to promote open collaboration between the authorities and companies with the objective of recognizing the factors that could significantly worsen the companies’ operating conditions and agreeing on the actions and arrangements required by disruptions and emergency situations to secure continuity of operations.

The pool observes the international field of shipping in order to maintain the industry’s competitiveness on a level that enables the existence of tonnage under the Finnish flag.

Chairman of the pool: Tiina Tuurnala, Finnish Shipowners Association

Juha Savisaari
Preparedness Specialist