Press releases
HELCOM gets a new Executive Secretary
On 1 August 2019, Rüdiger Strempel assumed the position of HELCOM Executive Secretary, after serving as Executive Secretary of the…
8. August 2019 - Helcom Read moreWorld Maritime theme for 2020: “Sustainable shipping for a sustainable planet”
As part of the United Nations family, IMO is actively working towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the associated SDGs….
23. July 2019 - International Maritime Organization Read moreShipping to look for new technologies to boost cyber security
19. July 2019 - Infomarine.netRederi AB Eckerö mukana Itämeren digihankkeessa – Navigator Magazine
11. July 2019 - Navigator MagazineShipowners on the Baltic Sea are Highly Environmentally Aware
5. June 2019 - Maint WorldVarustamojen Tuurnala: Hallitusohjelmassa erinomaisia tavoitteita – Navigator Magazine
4. June 2019 - Navigator MagazineLaivoihin viritetään vety- ja polttokennotekniikoita
23. May 2019 - Uusiteknologia.fiIMO Spotlight on Shipping, Environment
14. May 2019 - MarineLinkMeripolitiikan toimenpideohjelman valmistelu aloitettiin – Navigator Magazine
25. April 2019 - Navigator Magazine