Fairway Forward – a new collaboration between the Finnish and Swedish maritime clusters
19. June 2019
Fairway Forward, a new collaboration between the Finnish and Swedish maritime clusters, has been established with the aim of sharing best practice and collaborating to reach environmental and climate goals.
To foster the collaboration a seminar and think tank will take place in Helsinki 20 November 2019. The program will include best practice case examples from each country and a panel discussion with top industry leaders and politicians.
One big part of the collaboration is also the focus of Helcom´s Green Team and next meeting will take place 3 September on the Swedish island Donsö during the big event Donsö Shipping Meet.
-“As megatrends like digitalization and climate change are changing the world, the maritime industry is facing big challenges on a global scale. To solve these issues, the maritime community needs to come together. Finland and Sweden are already in the forefront of creating innovative technology and green practices in maritime. The Fairway Forward collaboration is a great platform for us to work together to further develop effective and environmental solutions for the future”, Tiina Tuurnala, managing director at the Finnish Shipowners’ Association and chairman of the Finnish Maritime Cluster, says.
-“Both the Swedish and Finnish maritime cluster are role models when it comes to working with these topics and together we will become stronger and able to reach our environmental and climate goals. It is important to have a common platform to collaborate and share both best practice and challenges that we perceive”, Rikard Engström, CEO of the Swedish Shipowners´ Association, says.
Participating organizations in Fairway Forward are: Swedish Shipowners´ Association, Swedish Ports, Finnish Shipowners´ Association, Finnish Ports Associations (together with the Finnish Port Operators Association) and the Finnish Marine Industries.
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