As of 23 February 2021, shipping lines will require a negative COVID-19 test certificate from passengers arriving in Finland from abroad
17. February 2021
Shipping lines operating services to Finland expect all sea passengers arriving in Finland to present a certificate showing that they have tested negative for COVID-19, effective from 23 February 2021, in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). No certificate is required of cruise passengers who have not gone ashore in another country.
When boarding, all passengers, including Finnish citizens, must have a certificate of a negative COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours before departure or a medical certificate of recovery from the infection. Passengers are asked to show the certificate upon request at the departure terminal and on arrival in Finland in connection with border control, or to present it to the health authorities on duty at the terminal.
No certificate is required of cruise passengers who have not gone ashore in another country.
Exempt from the obligation to present the certificate are children under 13 years of age as well as transportation relief crews, on-duty transportation crews and those returning from duty, logistics drivers and professional people who play a key role in maintaining emergency stocks of critical supplies, because the test requirement would make it practically impossible for them to carry out their duties.
For the time being, the negative test certificate will not affect the existing travel restrictions or the prerequisites for entry into Finland. For the Åland Islands, the special issues related to transport will be resolved by the local authorities.
On 17 February 2021, the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) issued a recommendation to all transport fleets and shipping lines with services to Finland for measures to prevent the spread of the mutated variants of the coronavirus to Finland. For more details on the certificate, check the THL recommendations at
Passenger security is the first priority for shipping lines. To stop the spread of the virus and ensure the health and safety of passengers, the companies have introduced a range of special measures, such as deep cleaning, disinfection and observance of safe distances at the terminals and onboard ships. Passengers are kindly requested to wear face masks onboard in situations in which adequate distances cannot be maintained.
Instructions and Q&A about COVID-19 test certificates:
Instructions concerning certificates
Q&A COVID-19 test certificate for ferrypassengers (updated 7.6.2021)
Alates 23.veebruarist 2021 on laevafirmadel õigus nõuda välismaalt Soome saabuvatelt reisijatelt negatiivse koroonatesti tulemust
Vastavalt Soome Tervise- ja sotsiaalameti (THL) soovitustele on Soomes opereerivatel laevafirmadel õigus küsida kõigilt Soome saabuvatelt reisijatelt negatiivse koroonatesti tulemust. Nõue hakkab kehtima teisipäeval 23. veebruaril 2021. Nõuet ei kohandata soomlastele, kes lähevad kruiisile.
Reisijal peab laevale minnes olema 72 tunni sees tehtud negatiivse koroonatesti sertifikaat või arstitõend, mis kinnitab haiguse läbipõdemisest. Reisijatel palutakse esitada oma sertifikaat või tõend lähtesadama terminalis, Soome saabumisel piirikontrollis või laeva saabumise terminalis olevatele tervishoiu ametnikele.
Tõendit ei nõuta kruiisireisijatelt, kes reisi sihtkohas maale ei lähe.
Erandina ei nõuta sertifikaadi või tõendi esitamist järgnevatelt isikutelt: alla 13-aastased lapsed, kaubaveo juhid töökohustuste täitmisel, töökohustustelt naasevad meremehed ja elutähtsat varustuskindlust tagavad isikud, kelle Soome saabumisel on testinõue praktiliselt ületamatu takistus.
Negatiivne testitulemus ei muuda hetkel kehtivaid reisipiiranguid ja maale tuleku eeldusi. Ahvenamaal lahendavad piirkondlikud ametiasutused liiklemisega seonduvad küsimused eraldi.
Soome Tervise- ja sotsiaalamet (THL) on 17. veebruaril 2021 välja andnud juhised kõigile Soomes tegutsevatele transpordiettevõtetele ja laevafirmadele meetmete kohta, millega tõrjutakse koroonaviiruse eri tüvede levimist Soomes. Täpsemad juhised THL-i veebilehel.
Reisijate turvalisuse tagamine on laevafirmadele esmatähtis prioriteet. Viiruse levimise takistamiseks ja reisijate turvalisuse tagamiseks on kasutusele võetud laialdased erimeetmed nagu tõhustatud puhastus ja desinfitseerimine, distantsi hoidmine terminalides ja laevadel. Reisijatel soovitatakse laeval kanda maski kohtades, kus piisava distantsi hoidmine ei ole võimalik.
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