Press releases
Shipowners´Associations stand behind EU sanction package
Shipowners´Associations stand behind EU sanction package We, as leading shipping associations, condemn in the strongest terms Russia’s on-going war and invasion of the sovereign state of Ukraine. The appalling decision by the Russian Government to invade Ukraine, and the consequences of this decision have severe effects for the people of Ukraine and needs to cease…
8. April 2022 - Suomen Varustamot Ry Read moreChanges to travel by sea as a result of new health safety legislation
As of 23 March 2021, shipping lines have required a certificate of a negative COVID-19 test from all passengers arriving in Finland by ferry in accordance with the recommendations issued by the National Institution for Health and Welfare of Finland. As of Monday 12 July, following the entry into force of the new law, the…
8. July 2021 - Suomen Varustamot Ry Read moreShipowners’ recommendation: Use face masks on ferry trips
14. August 2020 - Finnish Shipowners' AssociationInternational Day of the Seafarer 2019: get on board with gender equality
24. June 2019 - Suomen Varustamot RyThe world’s most eco-friendly bulk carrier now operating on the Baltic Sea
14. November 2018 - ESL ShippingReducing CO2 Emissions to Zero: ICS Publishes New Insight into the ‘Paris Agreement for Shipping’
4. July 2018 - Suomen Varustamot RyAspo’s ESL Shipping acquires Swedish shipping company AtoB@C
29. June 2018 - Suomen Varustamot RyViking Line starts six-hour day cruises from Helsinki
25. June 2018 - Suomen Varustamot RyShipping associations vow to support seafarers’ mental health needs | ECSA
25. June 2018 - Suomen Varustamot RyThe shipping industry is back – and it has big implications for the global economy
21. June 2018 - Suomen Varustamot Ry