Crew that has sailed the seven seas to take brand-new Viking Glory to Finland
29. December 2021
Viking Line’s new flagship, the passenger ship Viking Glory, has begun its journey from Xiamen, China, to its home port of Turku. The vessel is being sailed to its home berth by Captain Ulf Lindroos and a crew of 40. The trip will go via the Suez Canal and the Strait of Gibraltar and take nearly five weeks.
Viking Line’s new flagship, the passenger ship Viking Glory, began its journey today from Xiamen, China, to its home port of Turku. The vessel sails under a Finnish flag, and the route will be via many of the world’s best-known waterways. After crossing the Indian Ocean, Viking Glory will sail to the Mediterranean Sea via the Suez Canal and after passing Gibraltar will head north and reach the Baltic Sea via the Danish straits. The vessel’s cruising speed is an average of 16 knots, and the journey home will take nearly five weeks.
“Glory’s journey home is an exciting, special task that has required meticulous planning and special arrangements. Over the course of the journey, the vessel will encounter a variety of weather conditions, and a long journey is also challenging in other ways. But we have experienced people on board with us who have sailed the seven seas, so we have been able to identify potential risks and draw up action plans with different situations in mind. Safety and financial considerations provide the framework for our route planning,” says Viking Glory’s captain, Ulf Lindroos.
“It is fantastic to be part of this unique project. At the moment, my head is full of so many thoughts that I think, over time, the experience will feel even more special and wonderful. What I can say right now is that nothing will surpass the joy of arriving in our home port.”
Construction work will continue during the journey
A crew of 40 people under the command of Captain Ulf Lindroos climbed aboard Viking Glory in China. Sub-contractors will also board the vessel en route.
“We have eagerly waited to take Glory home. The most eager of us already had our bags packed several weeks before the departure and brought our things to the shipyard for storage. There were also people interested in sailing with us, but we could not take them on board since we will work on building and finishing things during the course of the journey as well,” says Ulf Lindroos.
Two sea trials already completed
Viking Glory was launched in January 2021 at XSI’s shipyard in Xiamen, China. By then, the vessel had already completed two demanding sea trials, to check to make sure the vessel’s systems function under actual conditions. The first sea trial in June included a test run of ABB’s Azipod propulsion system, testing of the vessel’s manoeuvrability and confirmation that the lifeboats and fire alarm system work. The second sea trial included checks of all machinery systems with focus on endurance. At the same time, the vessel’s noise and vibration levels were tested.
People can follow Viking Glory’s journey home on social media
Viking Glory’s journey home can be followed nearly live on Viking Line’s social media: on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, LinkedIn and Twitter. Over the course of the journey, we will learn about the crew, highlights along the route and everyday life on board the brand-new vessel.
In a few days you can start following Viking Glorys trip home from here.
Viking Glory
3/2016 A letter of intent is signed with the Chinese shipyard XSI
8/2018 Construction on the vessel begins in Xiamen
5/2019 In a public vote, “Viking Glory” is chosen as the name of the new vessel
6/2019 The keel-laying ceremony at the shipyard
1/2021 Viking Glory is launched
6/2021 The vessel passes its first sea trial
11/2021 The vessel passes its second sea trial
12/2021 Viking Glory starts its journey home to Turku
3/2022 The vessel launches service on the Turku–Mariehamn–Stockholm route
For further information:
Johanna Boijer-Svahnström, senior vice president, corporate communications, tel. +358 18 270 00
Christa Grönlund, communications manager, tel.+358 9 123 5242
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