Day of the Seafarers
25. June 2018
“Tomorrows winners in global shipping must focus on energy efficiency and environmentally friendly solutions. The maritime sector in northern Europe leads the way in development and implementation of new technologies and innovations that contribute to lower emissions and a more efficient way of operating vessels. LNG as fuel on large passenger vessels was first introduced in Finland in the world, as well as fuel consumption reducing rotor sails and sulfur scrubbers. The Finnish Maritime sector is strong in digitization and environmental know-how, both of which are global megatrends” says Tiina Tuurnala, CEO of the Finnish Shipowners Association.
Tuurnala adds to the strengths the ability of coping in special conditions. “Finnish seafarers are used to working in difficult conditions. Our seas are shallow, and ice covered on average 100 days a year. Finland is the only coastal country in the world where all the ports are completely frozen during normal winters. There is an old saying that Finland is an island. This statement is still very true due to the fact that about 90 percent of the Finnish foreign trade takes place by sea.”
Finnish Shipowners’ Association
New Year – New ship!
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New Equality and Non-Discrimination Policy for shipping
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