Fuel surcharge to be introduced due to rising fuel costs
28. October 2021
As of November 1. 2021, Viking Line will introduce a fuel surcharge on all scheduled sailings and cruises. The fuel surcharge will apply to all bookings made as of November 1. Tickets purchased without the fuel surcharge are valid at the old price.
Due to rising fuel costs, Viking Line will start to charge passengers a fuel surcharge. The surcharge will apply to bookings made as of November 1. The price of trips booked and paid for without a fuel surcharge will not change provided that no change is made in the booking. If a booked trip is not paid for until check-in at the port, the fuel surcharge will be added to the price.
“We are forced to take this exceptional measure since fuel prices have risen in a short time much more sharply than expected. There is no relief in sight, and since the company’s finances are extremely stretched due to the lengthy pandemic, we can no longer handle extra costs alongside all the other additional costs,” says Viking Line’s Sales Director Kaj Takolander.
Fuel surcharge:
EUR/passenger one-way round trip, cruise
Helsinki-Stockholm or the reverse 1,90 3,80
Turku-Stockholm or the reverse 1,90 3,80
Helsinki-Tallinn or the reverse 0,90 1,80
Turku-Mariehamn or the reverse 0,90 1,80
Helsinki-Mariehamn or the reverse 0,90 1,80
Mariehamn-Stockholm or the reverse 0,90 1,80
Mariehamn-Kapellskär or the reverse 0,90 1,80
The fuel surcharge applies for trips up to 31.01.2022.
For further information, please contact:
Kaj Takolander, Sales Director,
kaj.takolander@vikingline.com, tel. +358 9 123 51
Christa Grönlund, Communications Manager
christa.gronlund@vikingline.com, tel. +358 18 277 48
Johanna Boijer-Svahnström, Senior Vice President, Corporate Communication
johanna.boijer@vikingline.com, tel. +358 18 270 00
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