Internal border control to be lifted – travel to Finland easier
28. January 2022
Internal border control and the associated 48-hour negative covid-19-test certificate requirement on entry will end on Monday 31.1.2022. In ferry travel compliance with the Communicable Diseases Act will return from Tuesday 1.2.2022.
Under the Communicable Diseases Act, passengers arriving in Finland must present an EU-covid-certificate or a negative test certificate. In practice, the same rules and guidelines as last autumn will apply.
Travelers from the EU and Schengen area may enter Finland as of 1.2.2022 without any special health precautions if they
- are vaccinated, or
- have had covid-19 during the preceding 6 months, or
- have a negative test certificate taken during 72 hours, or
- are born in 2007 or later, or
- come from a country with a low covid-19 incidence rate
Those who have received one shot of a covid-19 vaccine are required to take a test within 3–5 days of entry into Finland, and those who have not received any vaccine shots at all are additionally required to take a test before or upon arrival in Finland.
Health authorities assess the scope of health checks at the border, and the law still allows random checks to be carried out. Finnish citizens and permanent residents can always return to Finland. No certificates or tests are required for cruise passengers who do not visit another country.
For more information on current travel restrictions and guidelines, please visit the Border Guard’s website.
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