Shipowners’ recommendation: Use face masks on ferry trips
14. August 2020
The Finnish Shipowners’ Association recommends people to use face masks while travelling on ships in any situation where keeping a safe distance is not possible. Passengers should be prepared and ready to use a mask in situations like boarding and leaving the ship, and other situations where keeping a safe distance is not possible.
In addition, passengers are recommended to keep a mask at hand during their trip, so they can easily put it on in any crowded situations. All the ships departing from Finland sell disposable masks.
Face masks is one way of preventing the spread of coronavirus. The most important thing is that people do not travel while sick or having symptoms. In addition, it is extremely important to keep the 1-2 meter safe distance when possible, wash your hands, cough into your sleeve or a disposable tissue and avoid touching your face.
In ports and onboard ships, significant measures have been taken in order to restrict the spread of the coronavirus. Onboard, there is plenty of space for passengers to move around while keeping safe distances. Ships won’t be fully booked, but the amount of passengers will be limited to 50-75% of the maximum capacity. Passengers onboard are continually reminded of safe distances and hand hygiene, and hand wash and disinfection points are available.
These recommendations of the Finnish Shipowners’ Association are in line with the national and regional recommendations and will be adjusted if necessary.
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Recommendation of the use of face masks to citizens:
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