Shipowners´Associations stand behind EU sanction package
8. April 2022
Shipowners´Associations stand behind EU sanction package We, as leading shipping associations, condemn in the strongest terms Russia’s on-going war and invasion of the sovereign state of Ukraine. The appalling decision by the Russian Government to invade Ukraine, and the consequences of this decision have severe effects for the people of Ukraine and needs to cease immediately.
The international community – including the EU, the US and the UK – has introduced significant sanctions towards Russia.
As leading shipping associations, we stand firmly behind the measures adopted to end the war and the sanctions adopted by the EU. Furthermore, we urge the EU member states to adopt the 5th sanctions package including the sanctions proposed on maritime transport.
We stand ready to support further measures adopted by the European Union and its partners in their support of the Ukraine, including those in the maritime sector with the aim to meet the demand stated in the resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on the 2nd of March that Russia is to “immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its
internationally recognized borders.”
We call on Russia to cease the hostilities and respect international law and human rights, including the protection of all affected seafarers and the protection of lives at sea.
Finnish Shipowners’ Association
Swedish Shipowners’ Association
German Shipowners’Association
Norwegian Shipowners’ Association
Royal Belgian Shipowners’ Association
Danish Shipping
Royal Association of Netherlands Shipowners
UK Chamber of Shipping
Estonian Shipowners Association
Maritime Lithuania
Finnish Shipowners’ Association
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