29. October 2021
Despite all the challenges with delayed delivery of the new Aurora Botnia, which was delivered on 28 August, Covid-19 and high fuel prices, the third quarter was strong for the company. Sales almost doubled compared to 2020 (+95.2%) and all months showed positive results.
Cargo volumes during the third quarter were the best since the company started operating in 2013. The units increased by 35%. The number of passengers increased by 186% compared to 2020.
Aurora Botnia has been very well received. In October Wasaline will reach a new milestone with a new passenger and cargo record since the start. The start of the traffic of Aurora Botnia has exceeded the expectations and all the goals set at delivery have been met.
The extremely high cost of fuel, where the price of natural gas (LNG) has doubled since the delivery of Aurora Botnia, is a worrying trend. This will lead to minor price adjustments on ticket prices from 1 December that will apply to new bookings. This places even higher requirements on us as a shipping company regarding energy efficiency and continued cost efficiency on all fronts.
“Despite the high fuel prices and ongoing effects of Covid-19, I see a very bright future. We believe in the future thanks to the investment in Aurora Botnia, which was delivered at exactly the right time. The world-leading energy solutions of Aurora Botnia with fuel efficiency, the increased demand of “close by traveling” and the demand for freight capacity gives us confidence in the future. Our shipping company has managed the pandemic very well so far, despite all the challenges, and maintained unchanged strong liquidity, as well as a very good booking situation “, says Peter Ståhlberg, Managing Director of Wasaline.
“I would like to thank our staff who are all involved in the business, works cost effectively and constantly develops our concept further so that both passengers and cargo customers enjoys the trip with us”, he concludes.
For more information: Peter Ståhlberg, Managing Director,, phone: +358 40 5592353
Wasaline is the northernmost shipping company that transports passengers and cargo daily between Vaasa, Finland and Umeå, Sweden. Wasaline’s new vessel, Aurora Botnia, is the most environmentally friendly passenger ferry in the world. For more information:
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