The Future of Shipping seminar: Finnish and Norwegian collaboration highlights solutions for decarbonization
23. November 2021
The Future of Shipping seminar organized by the Norwegian and the Finnish Shipowners’ Associations and the Embassy of Finland in Norway welcomed industry leaders to Oslo on November 23rd 2021.
In order to succeed in curbing the effects of climate change all industries, including shipping need to act quickly. Shipowners, as well as authorities, have set ambitious goals for reduction of emissions from shipping. In autumn 2021, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), representing over 80% of worldwide shipping companies, called for a drastic tightening of the global maritime emissions reduction target: all global shipping to be carbon neutral by 2050.
At the Future of Shipping seminar, focus was on new and ongoing projects and efforts within decarbonization and digitalization of shipping. Further, focus was on how to strengthen the collaboration across country borders and between the industry and national authorities.
Keynote speeches were made by State Secretary Vidar Ulriksen, Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries and by Finnish Minister of Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade, Ville Skinnari. Both emphasized the importance of the industry’s efforts in reducing emissions and the need for research and development.
The keynote speeches were followed by a panel discussion with participation of leading industry professionals. Harald Solberg, CEO of the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association; Nicolai H. Grieg, SVP, Head of Grieg Edge; Roger Holm, President of Wärtsilä Marine Power and Executive Vice President and Mikki Koskinen, CEO at ESL Shipping and Chair of the Board at Finnish Shipowners’ Association shared their visions on the future of shipping.
Presentations on solutions for the path towards zero emissions were heard from Sveta Ukkonen, Head of Marine Fuels and Services at Neste; Jyrki Heinimaa, CEO at Rauma Marine Construction; Marie Engelsen Launes, Commercial Environmental Manager at Eidesvik and Erik Brynhildsbakken, EVP Communication and Public Affairs at Color Line.
It was highlighted, that Finland and Norway are global forerunners within the scope of digitalization and decarbonization, that will be the key driving forces that shape the future. Developing new and profitable green technology for the global maritime sector, will cut emissions and can also create new business opportunities and new green jobs in both counties.
In their closing remarks, CEO Tiina Tuurnala at the Finnish Shipowners’ Association and minister Ville Skinnari, Ambassador of Finland to Norway underlined the importance of collaboration and cooperation, in creating new solutions for the ongoing green transition. The day came to an end with a reception at the Finnish Ambassador’s Residence, hosted by ambassador Mikael Antell.

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