Travelling to Finland by ferry is allowed with a COVID-19 vaccine certificate as of June 8th
7. June 2021
Shipping companies will accept a single-dose COVID-19 vaccine certificate or certificate of a negative COVID-19 test for passengers coming to Finland as of Tuesday, 8th June 2021.
Since February, shipping companies have required a certificate of a negative COVID-19 test or proof of recovery from COVID-19 from all passengers travelling to Finland, as recommended by the Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare. From 8 June 2021, boarding will also be allowed with a COVID-19 vaccine certificate, subject to existing entry restrictions. At the same time, the health certificate requirement will be abolished for passengers under 16 years of age. However, shipping companies recommend that passengers aged 12-15 years old obtain a negative test certificate when entering Finland to smooth their entry.
Vaccines are an effective way to combat the spread of COVID-19. According to experts, the likelihood of a vaccinated person contracting COVID-19 and spreading the virus is very low. The vaccine certificate will also be included in the common EU green certificate for healthy travel, which is under preparation.
The shipping companies will accept a certificate of receiving one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine approved by the World Health Organization or the European Medicines Agency. The vaccine must be taken at least 21 days before the trip. The vaccine certificate must indicate the name of the customer, the date of birth, the name of the vaccine, the date and place of administration of the vaccine, and the issuer of the certificate. No certificate is required of cruise passengers who have not gone ashore in another country. For the time being, a vaccine certificate, unlike a preliminary test and proof of recovery from COVID-19, does not exempt you from a health check carried out by the authorities at the border.
Finentry can be used to streamline your entry in the ports of Helsinki. For more information and instructions on certificates, please check our website. For more information on current travel restrictions, please check the Border Guard website.
Inquiries for media:
Maija Mattila,
+358 400 560 594
Tiina Tuurnala,
+358 40 547 6762
Maija Mattila
Director of labour market and legal affairs
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