Press releases
Changes in Finnlines’ Management
We are pleased to announce that as from 1 September 2019 Mrs Merja Kallio-Mannila has been appointed as Deputy Head of Group Sales, Marketing & Customer Service and Mr Torkel Saarnio has been appointed as Deputy Line Manager of HansaLink, Hanko–Rostock & Helsinki–Rostock. In these new positions Mrs Kallio-Mannila reports to Mr Staffan Herlin and…
10. September 2019 - Finnlines Oyj Read moreFinnlines calculated passenger-specific route CO2 emissions – Finnlines’ vessels are an eco-friendly choice for passengers
Passenger-specific carbon-dioxide figures for 2018 have been calculated on Finnlines’ passenger routes, Naantali–Kapellskär, Malmö–Travemünde and Helsinki–Travemünde. The figures will be updated on a yearly basis and this will be the base for future calculations. International legislation and Finnlines’ figures The EU regulation on the monitoring, reporting and verification of CO2 emissions (MRV, EU 2015/757, EN…
1. August 2019 - Finnlines Oyj Read moreFairway Forward – a new collaboration between the Finnish and Swedish maritime clusters
19. June 2019 - Suomen Varustamot RyFinnlines Plc Financial Statements 2018 and Financial Review January–December 2018
28. February 2019 - Finnlines OyjPolaris breaks more ice for cleaner maritime future
5. February 2019 - Good News From FinlandRABN welcomes 5th fleet member
24. January 2019 - Rederi Ab NathalieLeading experts of the European Maritime Cluster gather in Helsinki for Breaking Waves 2018
4. December 2018 - Suomen Varustamot Ry