Press releases
Finnlines’ Annual Report 2020 published
Finnlines has published its Annual Report for 2020 at Finnlines has also published its Financial Statements 2020 and Financial Review Q4 2020 on 25 February 2021, which are available on the Company website as well. Attachments Finnlines Annual Report 2020.pdf Finnlines Financial Statements 2020.pdf Finnlines Financial Review January-December 2020.pdf Finnlines Plc Finnlines is a…
15. March 2021 - Finnlines Oyj Read moreMeriaura Group invests in modern coaster tonnage
VG-Shipping, a member of Meriaura Group, has acquired a 3,000 DWT dry cargo vessel. The 86-meter-long, 1A ice classed vessel will fly the Cyprus flag, and be under management of a German partner. The Meriaura chartered vessel will be named ‘Helena VG’, after a member of the owner family. In the current small tonnage operating…
26. February 2021 - Meriaura Group Read moreFinnlines Plc Financial Statements 2020 and Financial Review January–December 2020
25. February 2021 - Finnlines OyjRederi Ab Nathalie’s fleet is growing
2. February 2021 - Rederi Ab NathalieThank you for the collaboration and happy holidays 2020
21. December 2020 - Finnish Shipowners' AssociationMeriaura Group stops using bottled water on its vessels to reduce waste
18. December 2020 - VG-Shipping OyAll three Finnlines’ hybrid ro-ro vessels are now in construction
16. December 2020 - Finnlines OyjBreaking Waves is back – this year as a virtual event. Registration is open!
6. November 2020 - Suomen Varustamot RyWasaline invests in cargo – appoints new cargo director and a cargo sales manager in Sweden
5. October 2020 - WasalineNew travel restrictions enter into force from 28th September
28. September 2020 - Finnish Shipowners' Association