Maritime cyber security guidelines for shipowners and vessels

20. February 2022

The Finnish Shipowners’ Association and the Maritime Transport Pool, part of the National Emergency Supply Agency, have published a cyber security best practice guide for shipowners and vessels.

With the development of digitalisation, automation and artificial intelligence, cybersecurity is an increasingly important topic both socially and in shipping. Today’s ships have a wealth of digitally integrated systems that facilitate and enhance operations, but can be vulnerable to data breaches and cyber-attacks.

Maritime operators need to be increasingly aware of and prepared for various cyber and hybrid threats. Indeed, cyber security is already a key element of maritime security.

The Finnish Shipowners’ Association and the Maritime Transport Pool have published cyber security best practice guidelines for shipowners and vessels. The guidance is based on a joint extensive maritime cybersecurity study. The report and the guidelines are available for reading and downloading in electronic format via the links below, and on the website of the National Emergency Supply Agency.

Maritime Cybersecurity Report – Finnish Maritime Cybersecurity Maturity

Guides in English:

Maritime Cybersecurity – Best practice for shipping companies

Maritime Cybersecurity – Best parctice for vessels

Ohjeistus suomeksi:

Merenkulun kyberturvallisuus – Varustamon parhaat käytännöt

Merenkulun kyberturvallisuus – Parhaat käytännöt aluksille

Guider på svenska:

Maritim Cybersäkerhet – Bästa praxis för rederier

Maritim Cybersäkerhet – Bästa praxis för fartyg