Press releases
Day of the Seafarers
“Tomorrows winners in global shipping must focus on energy efficiency and environmentally friendly solutions. The maritime sector in northern Europe leads the way in development and implementation of new technologies and innovations that contribute to lower emissions and a more efficient way of operating vessels. LNG as fuel on large passenger vessels was first introduced…
25. June 2018 - Suomen Varustamot Ry Read moreThe Finnish Shipowners’ Association will be part of Suomi Areena
The Finnish Shipowners’ association will be part of the program at the Suomi Areena -event in Pori on the 16.-20.7.2018. Suomi Areena is a leading forum for societal discussion in Finland and the theme this year will be security, responsibility and acceptance. Finland at the peak of the wave – the maritime cluster as an…
19. June 2018 - Suomen Varustamot Ry Read moreTallink Silja: Tallink Silja Oy ja Turun Nappulaliiga ry yhteistyöhön
12. June 2018 - Tallink SiljaArctia: Jäänmurtokausi 2017-2018 päättyi
12. June 2018 - ArctiaGodby Shipping: Mistral edelleenrahdattu P&O:lta Stenalle
12. June 2018 - Godby Shipping