Finnlines Plc Financial Review January–September 2018 (unaudited) – investments toward responsibility continue
EMANUELE GRIMALDI, PRESIDENT AND CEO, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE REVIEW: ”The Finnlines Group’s result for the reporting period increased by EUR 7.3 million to EUR 75.3 million. Earning before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, EBITDA, came to EUR 129.0 million against EUR 120.4 million last year. Revenue increased EUR 43.4 million to EUR 447.9 million.…
6. november 2018 - Finnlines Oyj Läs meraAtoB@C, Swedish shipping company owned by Aspo’s ESL Shipping, acquires a 4,100 dwt dry bulk carrier
AtoB@C Shipping AB, a Swedish shipping company owned by Aspo’s ESL Shipping, has acquired a 4,100 dwt dry bulk carrier of ice class 1A built in 2000. Previously, AtoB@C operated the vessel under a long-term time charter. The shipping company also owns the sister vessel of the newly acquired dry bulk carrier. This transaction improves…
5. november 2018 - ESL Shipping Läs meraRun or walk – 5 or 10 km and do good at Maritime Day 2019
29. oktober 2018 - Godby ShippingMr. Ettore Morace, Managing Director Malta Brokers – speaker at the Maritime Day, Thurs 9 May 2019
4. oktober 2018 - Godby ShippingIdag inleds byggandet av Viking Lines nya passagerarfartyg
3. september 2018 - Viking LineEmanuele Grimaldi – speaker at Maritime Day 2019
27. augusti 2018 - Godby ShippingMeriaura raportoi hiilijalanjäljestä
9. augusti 2018 - Meriaura GroupEckerö Linen matkustajaluvut ennätyksellisiä tammi-kesäkuussa
4. juli 2018 - Eckerö LineTallink-konserni julkaisi vuoden 2018 Q2:n tuloksen – kesäkuun uusi matkustajaennätys
3. juli 2018 - Tallink Silja Oy